I was recently asked this by an incredulous classmate after I suggested that they get light blue and lilac cords in order to look like unicorns.
I assume she must be color blind. What other explanation could be reached when I go about my life with rainbow hair? I don't dye my hair like this in order to look like a normal person. I wouldn't let my glasses turn pink and blue from wet dye if it didn't fit into my personal aesthetic.
I've been dying my hair since I was fifteen but only recently expanded to the whole head. Before I went all in, I had normal hair for a few months. It was awful. There was a large part of my identity missing. _Everyone_ has normal hair. How is someone supposed to find me if you can't just say "go find the girl with blue hair"? So I dumped in the color.
I won't be doing an incognito work or bank heists any time soon, but I'll tamp down those urges in order for people to recognize my inner unicorn.
I also come equipped with glitter.